Saturday, 5 January 2008

Pork with Apple in Cider

2 Pork Chops (I had spare rib ones)
Some Potatoes (as many as you think you will eat), preferably red
One good size eating Apple
One medium Onion
250fl oz Cider
250fl oz hot Stock
Sprinkling of fresh Thyme
Butter a smallish baking tin
Slice the unpeeled potatoes to about 1/2" thick lol
Slice the onion
Layer onion and potatoes in the tin
Strip the leaves off 2 or 3 bits of thyme and dot over the dish.
Season well, dot with a small amount of butter
Pour in the cider and hot stock
Cover tightly with some foil and bake in a pre heated 200C oven for about 4o/45 mins until the potatoes are just tender
Heat a skillet or sturdy frying pan on a high heat, then sear the pork on both sides so it is lovely and brown
Remove the tin from the oven, take off foil lid and place pork on top of the potatoes mixture. Return to the oven and continue to cook on high for about 15 mins or until the chop is done and the potates etc brown

It was really lovely and tasty and dead simple. The chops were so tender.

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